Welcome to RE:SET

Relationships Education: School’s Equality Toolkit

RE:SET is an online toolkit to support primary schools, secondary schools and alternative provisions to explore, adapt and reset their existing relationships education across the whole school. It will support your setting to promote healthy, equal and respectful relationships and be recognised with a Healthy Relationships Champion Setting award.

Healthy Relationships Champion Setting badge
Welcome to RE:SET


”This collaboration has allowed the school to take risks in Relationship Education that we would never have been brave enough to attempt before. The team have been passionate in motivating, supporting and guiding the school to enhance our provision across the whole school community. RE:SET has undoubtedly taken the school forward in meeting the challenges that young people face in 2022.“

Louise Rees
Deputy Headteacher at Charles Darwin School

There is evidence to show that a lack of time, know-how and resources stops educational settings implementing a whole setting approach to violence prevention. However schools and alternative provisions already have systems, skills and knowledge that promote healthy relationships.

”At the start of doing these RE:SET workshops I thought: ‘my son is too young to be learning about relationships’, but I am so grateful you’re working in {our school}. Thank you – he needs this. I think he’ll be a better person because of it.“

Father of Year 9 student
Rokeby School

Using RE:SET adaptions and changes can be made with minimal effort or resources, just the commitment of your school or setting staff. The online toolkit will guide your staff through a series of steps that build on each other. As key tasks are completed, then are recorded on your dashboard, so progress can be easily monitored. All your project documents and evaluation is also stored and managed online to ensure easier and faster reporting and monitoring.

Background to the project

Tender is an arts charity working with young people to prevent domestic abuse and sexual violence through creative projects.

Between 2017-2020, funded by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC), Tender worked in collaboration with four schools in the London Borough of Croydon exploring a ‘whole school approach’ to preventing gender-based violence.

RE:SET is the result of that collaboration.  Tender would like to thank MOPAC, evaluators DMSS Research, Broadmead Primary Academy, Forestdale Primary School, Kingsley Primary Academy and St Mary’s Catholic High School for helping us create this toolkit with accompanying resources.

Our current Healthy Relationships Champion Settings: