Reset Key Tasks for Secondary Schools

Project delivery team

Leadership & communication

Appoint a member of your school's Senior Leadership Team as lead of your Project Delivery Team

Appoint a Governor link, who will monitor the progress of your setting towards becoming a Healthy Relationships Champion Setting

Recruit a minimum of 2 other staff members to join your Project Delivery Team

Meet your Tender Mentor - a member of Tender's staff who will support you through RE:SET.

Policies & curriculum

Upload your school's current Relationship Education / Relationship & Sex Education Curriculum Map

Upload your school's current Relationship Education / Relationship & Sex Education Policy

Timetable & planning

Complete an audit of Relationship Education within your setting.

Host your first successful PDT Meeting

Host your second successful PDT Meeting

Host your third successful PDT Meeting

Create and upload your Project Delivery Plan.

Receive & watch RE:SET Website Induction

Involving setting staff

Leadership & communication

Introduce RE:SET to all school staff.

Survey all staff to establish current attitudes towards relationship education.

Policies & curriculum

Reflect on staff feedback, collected via staff survey.

Share plan for all-staff safeguarding training updates.

Upload any additional training received by staff to support them in delivering Relationship Education

Timetable & planning

Confirm dates for Tender to deliver up to 4 hours of staff training for at least 60 school staff.

At least 60 staff (or 80%) complete Tender’s ‘Domestic Abuse – Basic Awareness’ e-learning.

Working with children & young people

Leadership & communication

Introduce RE:SET to all students.

Reflect on Tender staff training, collected via staff survey.

Policies & curriculum

Teaching staff deliver relationships education across the school

Timetable & planning

Confirm dates for Tender to deliver 2 days of student workshops.

Identify students who might benefit from participating in a targeted healthy relationship campaign project

Confirm dates for a Healthy Relationships Campaign Project with targeted group.

Support targeted students to spread their campaign across the school.

Engage your school council in Healthy Relationships education.

Confirm a date for Tender to deliver a celebration event.

Involving families & communities

Leadership & communication

Introduce RE:SET to all parents.

Survey all parents to establish current attitudes towards relationship education.

Reflect on parent feedback, collected via parent survey.

Policies & curriculum

Provide resources to parents & carers to support them with discussing healthy relationships at home.

Timetable & planning

Confirm dates for 3 Parent/Carer sessions, to be delivered by Tender.

Positive setting culture

Leadership & communication

Reflect on parent training, collected via parent survey.

Identify ways to promote ‘healthy relationships’ messages visually in the setting

Identify ways to promote ‘healthy relationships’ messages verbally in the setting

Identify ways to promote ‘healthy relationships’ messages virtually in the setting

Policies & curriculum

Timetable & planning

Attend an 'End of Project Reflection' and present your future goals.