Taking the first steps

First steps

As you’ll know, from September 2020, Relationships Education became a statutory requirement in secondary schools, underlining the need for children to stay safe and prepare for life in modern Britain. A change brought about because of increasing concerns around child sexual abuse and exploitation and the risks associated with growing up in a digital world.

Tender believes that the best relationships education comes from the whole school working in partnership to champion healthy relationships and prevent gender-based violence.

This is in line with national and international thinking: Department of Education guidance advised that the most effective violence prevention education programmes were achieved through a whole school approach.

The World Health Organisation asserts that the most successful projects ‘work towards making sure that the whole school shares the same vision towards reducing violence, and that the school head, teachers, administrative staff, students, parents and the community work together towards this shared goal’.

How does RE:SET work?

Relationships Education: School’s Equality Toolkit guides your school through the following five blocks which build on each other to reach everyone in the school:  

1Project delivery team

Project Delivery Team

Tender has over 10 years of experience in developing a Whole School Approach to violence-prevention and we know that a keystone for success is demonstrable commitment from senior leaders. The journey begins with creating your school’s Project Delivery Team and leadership has to come from the top.

We also know that schools are time-poor, so RE:SET aims to make it as straight-forward as possible with timed tasks and the resources to achieve them. The tasks in this block will support you to create the team and infrastructure to deliver the effective management and impact of a whole school approach to healthy relationships education.

2Involving setting staff

Involving setting staff

Your staff are not only a major asset, they play a vital role in the prevailing culture of your school, so RE:SET wants to reach ALL adults working across the school because staff confidence in promoting healthly relationships is so important to the success of this project.

The tasks and resources in this block support your school to increase existing staff awareness, confidence and skills in order to promote healthy relationships and prevent gender-based violence. You will also work collaboratively with your Tender mentor to identify specialist safeguarding training programmes to boost staff knowledge.

3Working with children & young people

Working with children

The aim of RE:SET is to support your pupils to learn safely, thrive as individuals and create future communities committed to respectful and equal relationships. The statutory guidance on Relationships Education outlines what is to be delivered and RE:SET will support your school on how to deliver the curriculum.

The tasks that you work through in this block will enhance the work you currently do with your pupils. You’ll create bespoke training designed in collaboration with your Tender mentor and receive additional lesson-plan ideas, delivery methods and resources.

4Involving families & communities

Involving families & communities

Your families and local communities are a potential asset in supporting your school to prevent violence and promote equality. Their active engagement will enhance your school’s journey to becoming a champion of healthy relationships education.

Confidence in talking to families and communities is vital. The tasks in this block will support your school to consult with families and communities; including explaining why your school is addressing these issues, the strategies you’re using, the messages being promoted to children, and how families can also talk about healthy relationships, equality and trust with their children to support them at home.

5Positive setting culture

Positive setting culture

The culmination of working through the tasks on each of the previous blocks in RE:SET will result in creating a positive culture throughout the whole school that promotes healthy relationships and reinforces your school’s commitment to violence-prevention. However communicating what your school is doing from day one will set the tone of your intentions.

The tasks in this block will support you with the development of messages delivered through a variety of mediums, that can be disseminated throughout the school and local community, and timetabled across the year.

Each area of the toolkit is divided into 3 categories of educational delivery:

Leadership & Communication icon

Leadership & Communication

Policies & Curriculum icon

Policies & Curriculum

Timetable & Planning icon

Timetable & Planning

These contain key tasks and resources to support your setting to become a Healthy Relationships Champion Setting.

Take the first step

Tender will provide induction meetings, workshops and trainings alongside downloadable resources to guide your school step by step through the toolkit. Monitoring your progress through the toolkit is achieved through completing the key tasks. As each task is completed – your dashboard fills up.

When your school’s dashboard is complete – you will become a Healthy Relationships Champion Setting.